Monday 23 July 2012

Term2 Folk Dancing Demo

On the last day of term we did a demonstration or our folkdancing for our family and friends. There were lots of visitor who joined in. We had heaps of fun.

Last week PJ came to visit. He is a moodle dog and he is two years old. He was very excited being in our class.

PJ comes to visit on PhotoPeach

Zoom, zoom, zoom went PJ. He was amazed when he got out of his harness. He was crazy when he was dancing for the Schmacko We got to take a photo with PJ. It was fun. PJ had small black eyes and white curly hair and floppy ears. He was cute because he had a soft tail and that was his longest hair. He was shy and funny. It was fun when PJ came to visit. I wish he could come again.

Last Friday PJ came to visit. He was a little shy because he doesn't know us yet and PJ was very silly because he was dancing around. His favourite treat was Schmackos. He was so fluffy because he is a moodle. His dad’s name was Jack and his mum’s name was Peaches so they took the P from his mum and the J from his dad so they made it into PJ.