My Fralien is made out of two circles, eight half circles, one quarter circle and six eighth circles. He is called Minda . He lives on Twave. He jumped into his spaceship to go to earth.
My Fralien has 2 whole circles, 5 half circles, 4 quarter circles and 6 eighth circles. His name is Bloodness Killer and his planet is Night Riler of Death. How Bloodness Killer got to earth? He got to earth with a super shield spaceship.
My Fralien is from Anton. My Fralien likes to eat happy bites. She has four half circles and it has no quarter circles and she has one whole circle. It has five eighth circles. She went to a nice wizard who whizzed her to earth. Her name is Rymla.
My Fralien has 2 whole circles, 4 half circles, 2 quarter circles and 8 eighth circles. My Fralien’s name is Keelliah. She comes from planet Falls. She came to our planet Earth
On something like a big rocket. She made it out of leaves and trees and some wood. She stuffed and kicked the leaves in the bottom.